Rendezvous with tomorrow
Rendezvous with Rama
Arthur C. Clarke
[ Published by Orient Books]
It is a science fiction.
By the year 2130, a very large, almost like the Jupiter a metal cylindrical alien object is detected which is coming towards the Sun. it is spinning at its axis slowly. It was christened as 'Rama' by humans. A spacecraft, named 'Endeavour' is sent to it under the leadership of Captain Norton. After landing near its axis, Norton with his deputy goes on exploring it. They find three airlock system through which they may go inside it. After airlocking these locks they find three staircases going upward or downward as it is. But inside there is no light. Descending further through those staircases they find a cylindrical sea which is frozen. Moreover, they find five clusters of tall building like structures. But the buildings have no doors or windows or any system of entrance. Suddenly, six tube like things begin to act as brilliant sun. naturally, the interior of Rama begin to warm and air expands, so a cyclone is raised. Meanwhile the ice of the sea is melted and the waves are seen in the sea. The exploring party cannot go beyond the sea which they named South Pole. Another young crew solved that problem by going there alone on a sort of flying bike. On his return journey he is gripped by a strong electrical wind which causes the collapse of his flying bike. So he crashlands. There he is first encountered with the living thing. A crab like animal, indeed far larger which has no mouth and which chopped his flying machine and dropped in into the sea. Ultimately he is rescued with the help of a raft. Meanwhile, the whole Rama is burst with several types of creatures----which are later recognized , not the real creature but 'biot', programmed to execute some particular function.
On the other hand, inhabitants of Mercury send a missile towards Rama, fearing that it would come near their planet. Thinking that this is unlikely to happen, a certain crew defused the bomb taking a great risk. So far Norton and his crew do not meet any real 'Ramans'. And Rama is approaching the Sun very fast. Suddenly a change of atmosphere is felt inside Rama. Every biots jump into the sea and are decomposed as it appears. Therefore Norton and his crew have to leave it quickly. It increases its spin and changes its orbit and is seen approaching the Sun directly. Somedays later it is observed that it goes inside the Sun, takes its energy and mass and then goes to its destiny. It seems, it is using the Sun merely as a refuelling station.
So, what is inside Rama is known, but wherefrom does it come or what is its purpose is not known yet.
It is a very remarkable, mind-boggling science fiction. The most notable thing about it is its sense of suspense and the you-never-know-what-happen-next type of attitude. Once you set to read it you cannot put it down help finishing it. And the most remarkable thing about it is based very much on some scientific theory which gives it a surrealistic impression. You will always think that this type of thing can quite plausibly happen. This is a superb fiction in its finest term.